Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Painting with Luke

My son will be 4 at the end of Feb. and I am already proud to be his father. Overall, he is great! Still has an occational melt down. He is only 3 and 3/4! We get to do great father son stuff all the time. We can ride bikes together, (yes he rode a two wheeler at 3 1/2!)play baseball and basketball, and draw. Now we have two new things to do. First, he is starting to use the computer. We play games and explore the World Wide Web! (Andy that was for you!) On Sunday Becki and I decided to paint the master bedroom to get rid of the kidergarden like color and job I did when we first moved in to the house. Luke was going to help. He has helped on painting jobs before although most were smaller. When I told him we were going to paint he was excited and said " I need to get my painting clothes on" thats training!I got the paint and tape ready as he got changed. First, Luke helped with the tape then I gave him a roller. This kid painted for hours with me. The room got done in one day. It was a great father son day, a day I will treasure and remember everytime I walk into that room.

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