Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Big Day

12/3/07 will be a day that goes down in history in the Wendler household. Luke is a Binky kid. From the time he was born he had to have the Binky. When he took a nap or went to sleep at night it was like a magic, give him the binky he was out. He would of had the binky 24/7 if we let him. We started to just give it to him to go to bed at night a few months ago trying to get him ready for the day he would be done with it. Becki came up with a way to get him to get rid of the binky quickly. He could use them to buy something. He would tell us when he was ready to use them and then be done with it. He did it. What did he get you ask? A hockey helmet, hockey stick, and two toy motorcycles. He had three binky's! Last night when it was time for bed we were a little nervous, but he did pretty good. Our only mistake was letting him sleep with his new motorcycles, he was up most of the night playing with them! D.O.N.E

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